Shed History
A number of people and organisations played key roles in establishing the Shed:
- Michelle Stockton started a campaign for a Men’s Shed in 2008.
- The Rotary Club of Bellingen auspiced the organisation and provided support, funding, insurance cover and banking facilities
- Other organisations that contributed were Camp Creative, Coffs City Rotary Club, the Bellingen Council
- Neighbourhood Centre and Masonicare; and other individuals who contributed were David and Gillian Helfgott.
- Bernie Ayres hosted the Shed in his workshop in South Street, Bellingen from July 2010 to April 2013

- When Bernie sold his house and vacated Bernie Ayre’s workshop in April 2013, Bernie kindly donated most of his woodworking machinery, Timber stock and hand tools to the Shed. All items were put in storage behind Bob Hamilton’s Real Estate until a new building could be found.
- In 2013, Rob Stockton (Principal at Bellingen High School offered the current site to the Bellingen Men’s Shed.

- June 2013 the site levelled ready for the slab.

- Fund raising by the members, grants and donation by a number of community organisations – Camp Creative, Rotary and other individuals – saw the building erected in 2016. Many community organisations, businesses & members worked tirelessly to finish the building but Leon Sinclair (current supervisor) put in more hours than anyone!
- The building was fitted out with facilities and equipment moved from storage.

- Further fund raising & a grant from Bellingen Council made it possible to install our composting toilet and a rainwater storage tank to supply the kitchen and workshop.

- The new building opened on April 4, 2016. Over 100 people attended the sausage sizzle, listened to the speeches and checked out the shed and equipment.

- 2016 – 2019 Paul Holding & Martin Hicks ran several very popular wood working courses attracting lots of new members to our shed.

Jan 2016 to Jan 2020 Leon ran a workshop on how to make a Bush Chair for Camp Creative